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20 Questions You Need To Ask About Your Streaming Solution

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Churches scrambled to find a streaming service when their doors were forced to close in the spring. Many transitioned to Facebook® which was a quick and easy solution. But now seven months later, most churches are still relying on the same solution, but is it still the best choice? 

If your church is using workarounds to handle the limitations of your initial streaming choice, then it may be time to take another look at your solution.

If you have any of the following concerns, then it is definitely time to take a look!

  • Do you want to continue to relinquish control of your content? 
    • Is your content being blocked?
    • How long is your content posted?
    • Are specific videos too hard to find?
  • Are there limits on your streaming solution? 
    • How much can you store?
    • Are you restricted to the number of viewers or times viewed? 
    • Can you stream and also post videos? 
    • Are you able to edit your videos?
  • What controls do you have on how your streaming looks?
    • Are you able to brand your streaming so it looks like your church?
    • Do you have ads, or control of what ads are running, next to your content?
    • Can congregants view your content, as intended, on all their devices?
  • Are there privacy issues that have you concerned? 
    • Who is viewing your private content? 
    • Do congregants need to join a social network to access your content?
  • How do I know my content is effective?
    • Am I engaging my members?
    • Am I attracting new people to my church? 
    • Are there trends to help me tailor future content, such as high viewership in a particular age group or for a particular topic?

ACS Technologies® has made it easy to move to a reliable, safe streaming solution that will meet all of your needs and concerns. Realm Streaming keeps your congregation connected when we can’t worship in person, allows your church to attract online visitors, and gives your church more control of their online presence. From streaming your Sunday service or special events to posting videos for children’s ministry or small groups, Realm Streaming provides the technology, security, and tools you need.

If your church is ready to look at alternatives to your current streaming solution, take a look at Realm Streaming or download more information now.

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