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3 Steps to Make Disciples in Your Children’s Ministry

Children’s ministry is more than just free childcare. Parents trust you with their most precious possessions and rely on you to not only keep their kids happy and safe but also to pour into their kids and partner with them in the disciple-making process.

You have a unique opportunity to teach young minds the truth about their Creator and to help mold them into life-long followers of Jesus. But how do you prioritize discipleship in your children’s ministry when the temptation is to just give kids something fun to do while their parents are busy?

Step 1: Fill Your Volunteer Roster With Disciples

The Bible tells us to train children in the ways they should go and to teach them diligently (Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:7). These instructions apply not just to parents but to every adult who has the opportunity to interact with a child. 

Training and teaching in this context are about more than being kind, learning how to share, or playing well with others. This directive refers specifically to teaching and training children to be disciples, following passionately after their Savior. 

The very best way to make disciples in your children’s ministry is to ensure that your volunteer rosters are filled with disciples. 

We often hear that “disciples make disciples,” and it is absolutely true, especially when it comes to working with kids. 

Kids are significantly less skeptical than adults and are generally more willing to believe in the impossible. But they can often sense when the grown-ups around them don’t really believe something and tend to be experts at asking difficult questions.

Kids mirror the enthusiasm and excitement of those around them, so fill your kids’ ministry with people you know are on fire for Jesus and eagerly living out their faith. The children you’re ministering to need to see Jesus through the actions of your volunteers, not just in the stories they are told about Him.

Your volunteers are the ones who are with the kids in your ministry every week and have the ability to build the kinds of trusting relationships that can lead to professions of faith. The people serving in your ministry should be able to both display the character of a Christ follower and show others what it looks like to be disciples.

Step 2: Teach Kids How to Be Disciples

Becoming a disciple doesn’t happen overnight, even with kids absorbing everything you put in front of them like sponges. Just as you would with anything else you try to teach a child, you have to teach the tenets of faith repeatedly in the hopes that they learn who Jesus really is and what it means to follow Him.

As you choose curriculum, plan events, and determine the goals of your kids’ ministry, make sure that it all centers on growing to be more like Christ. The Gospel should be embedded in every aspect of your ministry and the motivation behind every decision you make.

The Bible stories, missions lessons, songs, crafts, etc., should all point to the core truths of who Jesus is and how to follow Him. Even events and activities that don’t explicitly share the Gospel should still be done with the intention of building relationships to ultimately have opportunities to make disciples.

Since being a disciple isn’t something that you only do at church on Sundays, teach the children in your congregation how to live out their faith in everything they do. 

While being kind, learning to share, and playing well with others isn’t exactly what the Bible means when it says to train and teach children, those are all things that should flow from hearts seeking God. Jesus tells us that the world will know we are disciples if we love one another, so children need to learn that showing love is the mark of someone whose heart has been changed by Jesus.

Unfortunately, not every kid will make a profession of faith during their time in your children’s ministry. But it should be your goal to not let any child leave your ministry without understanding who Jesus is and what it means to be a disciple.

So, while you won’t get to see the start of the discipleship journeys for some of the kids in your church, you should be planting the seeds that God can water through the disciple-making efforts of others.

Step 3: Practice Living Out Faith Through Hands-On Discipleship

Simply telling kids about Jesus and what it means to follow Him isn’t enough to make disciples. 

Just as we call adults to serve, give, and go as part of their spiritual journeys, you should incorporate opportunities into your children’s ministry for kids to learn how to live out their faith in tangible ways.

Serving in the church often involves volunteering. While this isn’t always practical for minors, there are ways to get the kids in your congregation involved.

Singing carols and bringing treats to your church’s shut-ins at Christmas or making cards to hand out at your annual Veteran’s Day lunch are easy things kids can do that show the love of Jesus. 

Giving time and talent is just as vital to ministry as financial contributions. Make sure you’re teaching children that they have important gifts to share with the Kingdom of God and how to give whatever they have with cheerful hearts.

Obeying the call to go can just as easily mean going next door as it does going to the ends of the earth. Teach the kids in your ministry that God has plans for them exactly where they are and that being a kid doesn’t prohibit them from participating in the Great Commission. 

Many of the outreach and local missions projects your church already does can be adapted to allow children to participate, and you can incorporate the things you’re already teaching every week into these hands-on lessons. 

If you’re teaching kids how to share their faith with others, encourage them to bring their friends to your next gathering. If you’re teaching them to love those in need, have them help pack meal bags for those in your community who are food insecure. These are easy ways for kids to participate in ministry, and make sure you’re teaching them why each act of love is important and how it relates to being a disciple.

When adults start new jobs or experience major life changes, they typically go through some kind of hands-on training or adjustment period when they learn how to meet the expectations of their new circumstances. The same kind of learning curve exists for new adult disciples, with churches offering small groups, accountability partners, short-term mission trips, etc., to help them grow spiritually in those areas. 

To successfully make disciples in children’s ministry, kids need the same kind of hands-on practice in living out their faith in ways that are appropriate for their ages and abilities. They need to understand who Jesus is and what it really means to be disciples, and they must see adults passionately living for Christ.

Children’s ministry isn’t just free childcare. It’s an open invitation to make disciples and train up the next generation!

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