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3 Ways Realm eGiving Can Get You Back on Track

Church Cultures that Grow Giving: Lessons Learned

The past few months have certainly been unusual for the global Church. Like most church staff, you became a virtual worship and social media expert overnight. You worked to quickly offer options to your congregation on ways they could continue worshipping with your leaders, connecting with their church family, and giving faithfully as able.

However, even with the options you provided your congregation, your church would be like most in saying you saw a dip in giving. So, how can you get your giving back on track?

1. Online and mobile giving goes beyond a pandemic.

One of the main reasons Amazon is so popular is because you can shop from anywhere at any time. Give your members that same opportunity with giving to your church. Realm’s® eGiving solution provides multiple ways your members and guests can give including through text, online, and on mobile using the Realm Connect app or their mobile browser.

While most churches adopted online and mobile giving quickly during the past few months of empty pews, the benefits of these options go far beyond a pandemic. Vacations, sickness, and simply forgetting cash or a checkbook no longer become reasons to hold your members back from being faithful givers.

2. Use custom giving forms to raise ministry funds.

Like many churches, you may be planning to hold your Vacation Bible School later this year. Using Realm’s giving forms, you can customize vacation bible school giving formone to speak specifically to that need. Use your children’s ministry or VBS logo, change the colors of the form to match the event, and link the giving form directly to your VBS or children’s ministry fund. Not only does this form show in Realm, but you can share the link in posts on social media and embed the giving form into your VBS page on your church’s website.

Here are some other ways you can use giving forms right now:

  • Raise funds for technology needs to support virtual worship options.
  • Ask for support for those ministries that financially suffered the past few months.
  • Allow donors to support outreach ministries related to recent events.

3. Recurring giving ensures recurring blessings. 

Our communities and local missions count on churches like you to provide blessings for them to continue reaching those in need. By encouraging your members to set up recurring gifts, your outreach team can better plan for the support they can provide those missions. Recurring gifts to your overall budget also help you as a church leader to know what you have coming so you can have assurance knowing bills will be paid and needs within the church will be met.

Plus, recurring giving is perfect for your members who live busy lives. They won’t have to worry about forgetting to tithe (because yes, we all forget to do things). They won’t have to stop what they are doing each week to sit down and give. Recurring gifts mean they can be faithful in giving without feeling burdened to slow down.

Remind congregants how they can give often.

Don’t forget to check out our Giving Resources website for free resources to customize and use to encourage giving within your church.

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8 thoughts on “3 Ways Realm eGiving Can Get You Back on Track”

  1. Avatar for David Irving

    I am trying to change my recurring tithe. I think I may have set it up twice. How can I cancel one of them? I am using the link provided by my church on their Facebook page and have never set up an account.

    1. Avatar for Ally Stein

      Hi David! It would be best to reach out to the staff of your church. If they cannot find the issue then have them reach out to us on our support line!

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