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4 Steps to Growing your Volunteer Ministry

The world won’t be changed by a church service, but a church that serves can change the world. Churches thrive or die on their volunteer ministry. When people serve willingly and cheerfully, things will change and the church will grow. If people wait for the paid professionals to get the job done, things may never happen.

Lay the Foundation. Jesus volunteered and so should we. No one took His life. He laid it down freely for us all. Champion service by continually pointing others to the purpose and mission of Christ. Preach messages, design bible studies, and use phrases that encourage a volunteer culture.

Figure out your Gifting. Create a system for people to recognize their natural talents and discover their spiritual gifting. Offer classes or Bible studies designed to help people understand who God has created them to be. Show them how they can be themselves and make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Once you have this information, you can keep a record of spiritual gifts and natural skills within Realm for easy reference.

Help People Fit. Make your ministry needs known to the wider body, and help people find the places where they fit. Once they know who God’s created them to be, they should be able to figure out where they fit in His plan and in the local body of believers. You can use Realm to post service opportunities to engage those who are looking for ways to serve.

Acknowledge each other’s sacrifice. 1 Thess 5:12 encourages us to acknowledge, respect, and honor those who work hard in the church body. People shouldn’t serve for the sake of recognition, but that doesn’t mean those who serve shouldn’t be recognized. Once people start serving, take some time and recognize their hard work. Send thank you cards, hold a banquet, or find other ways to celebrate their service.

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