Have you heard the correlation between information and food? Think about it. We have an appetite for both, both are abundant (at least in America), and we typically consume too much of each. There is so much information available today via TV, the internet, and now mobile devices. At what point do we reach information overload and is it healthy for our brains?
Here is where we can use the food analogy. We can all agree that too much food is not good for us. With food it is easy to see the negative effects of over consumption. But with information how do you know your diet is unhealthy? I have an ACS co-worker, which will remain unnamed, that I think is addicted to his iPhone. We live near each other and often times I end up driving behind him to work in the morning. While driving I can see him constantly looking down to his right checking his phone. That’s an example of an unhealthy consumption of information.
So here is where we can use the healthy/unhealthy food analogy. We need to find a way to weed out unneeded or superfluous information (i.e. the Twinkie) and focus on consuming information that really is a benefit to us (i.e. Brussels sprouts). Do you check email continuously during the day? There is another ACS co-worker that I believe has a healthy approach to email. He checks his email just three times a day; first thing in the morning, after lunch, and just before going home. The rest of his day is uninterrupted time for his other work.
Work with the food/information analogy this week and see if you need to look for a healthier balance.