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Contact Lists are Easier with ACS and Constant Contact

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At a time when we are all learning new ways to communicate and stay connected, email has become a popular tool for churches. ACS can equip you to easily send emails to your members using Constant Contact. Let’s take a look at three ways you can use this integration to help your church and members remain engaged during the Coronavirus pandemic. 

Send Updates to Your Entire Church

While leading a church family may look a little different these days, it remains a priority to keep your congregation updated and informed with church news. You can run a search for everyone in your ACS People Suite that has an email address on their profile, click on Mass Email and choose Constant Contact as your Email Method to create a contact list in Constant Contact. If you have not connected your ACS and Constant Contact accounts, click Manage Accounts beside Constant Contact to get started.

Once you have your email list in Constant Contact, you can create an email in which you include all church news including links for live-streamed or pre-recorded services, social media links, online giving options, and any plans for moving forward during this pandemic. It may be encouraging to also include a message from your pastor or leader as your church family more than likely misses that connection. That message may be in the form of a short letter or video to remind your congregation that your church is still there supporting them and the community.

Encourage Your Members to Give Online

Giving is a large part of how your church remains able to provide aid and relief during times of crisis. As your church pews are empty, you are presumably seeing a decrease in your offerings. 

Use ACS to run a search and create a list in Constant Contact of all those who contributed to your church last year. Send an email to that list reminding them of the multiple ways they can faithfully continue backing your church. Including ways their gifts will be used gives your congregation reassurance they are helping their church family and community.

Engage with Your Activity Groups and Classes

Your active members are probably feeling lost without their usual activities within the church. Use ACS to run a search on all those who participate in a specific group and send that list to Constant Contact.

For example, if your church has a group for Missions, or maybe multiple groups within that master Missions group, run the search and send that list over to Constant Contact. Then create an email in Constant Contact to send each week with information on how those who volunteer with servants’ hearts can continue to help those in need by supporting the ministries that are actively providing care during COVID-19.

Being “socially distant” may cause us to feel disconnected, but you can encourage engagement and save time creating your contact lists using the Constant Contact integration in ACS.

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