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Easy but Often Missed Ways to Increase eGiving

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Online, mobile, and text giving have become necessary for churches to offer over the last few months. Churchgoers that were giving by cash and check had to learn new ways to give their tithes and offerings.

Here are 4 often missed ways on how to increase your eGiving.

  1. Let your contributors know what you’re using the contributions for.
    • People are led to give when they know their money is helping someone or something in need. Let them know about, for example, the routine bills for your church, specific community projects, and children’s ministry outreach. Be specific and let the contributions know they are making a difference.
  2. Don’t let your website confuse people on how to give.
    • Make it as simple as possible. Create a landing page that easily shows them the ways they can give. You can even have simple instructions for them to use while giving. Also, have your “give now” call to action prominent on your website. Not only do you want it on the giving landing page but you need a button to give in the top right corner of every page.
  3. Talk about giving.
    • Contributors can’t give if they don’t know how to. Most people find talking about giving uncomfortable but it doesn’t have to be. Not only do you need to let them know that their church contributions are making a difference, but you also need to let them know how to give. Tell them all of the different ways they have to give. A great way to do this is by having members of the congregation get up and tell about their experience with eGiving
  4. Motivate your congregation to set up recurring giving.
    • Make sure your congregation knows recurring giving is available. Let them know how easy it is to use. Simply set the gift up one time and choose a frequency for the gifts to be withdrawn from the account. 

That’s all you need to do to increase your eGiving. Let your congregation know it’s there and how to use it. Keep it simple.

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