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Communication is Key

Shepherding Post-COVID...for Volunteers

Right now, more than ever, communication with your church members is important. Many members are still attending virtually and already feel disconnected. Most people want to be back worshipping in person, but many factors are keeping them at home. You want to keep them connected to their church family as much as possible.

The good news is there are so many ways to communicate with them! You just need to stay consistent and organized. Here are some ideas to connect with people during the week:

  1. Post a short video message on your church’s Facebook page from your pastor or a staff member. Share an encouraging message or insight for the week. Even though it’s a video, it helps people to see your face and hear your voice.
  2. Send a letter or postcard with information about church events and just a word to let them know they are missed!
  3. Send a text message with a reminder about the upcoming series and maybe a link to the past week’s recorded service.
  4. Schedule a weekly email to go out from your staff, keeping members informed of any announcements and important church information. Realm is an easy way to track and manage contacts with both members and visitors.
  5. Have staff members and volunteers call church members who have not attended in person for a specific period of time. These members may be in quarantine or may have something going on, and they could use some prayer support or assistance. A phone call may be just what they need to stay connected. Making sure this happens is easy to do by utilizing RealmⓇ and tracking the contact details.

Read More:

Moving Forward with Better Communication

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