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Let’s Pray for All Working in Ministry

Ministry Appreciation Month

October is usually pastor appreciation month, but we’re celebrating all those working in ministry. Our ability to pray is one of the greatest and simplest spiritual assets we possess. Most of us pray multiple times a day. We bless our families, friends, the older woman we saw at the store, those hit by the latest disaster, etc. All of these are significant to us and, in some way, touch us spiritually. 

But there may be people we forget to add to our prayer list, our pastors and ministry staff. The under-shepherds of our church have many pressures and stresses to face daily. Lifting them up to the Lord can have a positive effect that can spread into many different areas of your church, even your community. To help you get started, here are nine ways you can pray for your ministry staff.

Pray that:

1) God will protect our church and those who dedicate their lives to it. 

2) God will speak to them and encourage them in their mission. 

3) God will guide them to spend quality time in the Bible each week. 

4) God will use them as a tool to reach those who are lost. 

5) God will provide them a balanced life between serving their church and family.

 6) God will show us how to be a source of encouragement to our ministry staff.

7) God will shield our ministry staff from temptation and sin. 

8) God will give all the staff discernment and wisdom in difficult situations in the church. 

9) God will remind our congregation, ministry staff, and pastor that this particular body of Christ is His church and that everyone in it is there to build His kingdom, not our own.

For more ways to celebrate Pastor and Ministry Appreciation Month, visit Church Growth.

And for more information on how ACS Technologies would like to show you our appreciation, please visit LET’S DO GREAT MINISTRY TOGETHER!

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