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Weekly Healthy Habits for Strong Stewardship

Weekly Healthy Habits for Strong Stewardship

Blog 2 of 4

If there were something you could do each week that would increase your member giving and engagement, you’d jump at it, wouldn’t you? 

In this blog series, we’re looking at healthy habits critical for churches to sustain and expand giving in their churches. A robust stewardship program doesn’t grow from the short sprint of a pledge drive – it has to be a focus year-round. Last week we talked about a daily practice of donor thank yous and gratitude

Identify Real Stories

A weekly habit that will change your development work forever is story-telling. Your members and faithful givers want (and need) to know the impact of your church and its ministries in your community. Nothing lights the fires of donor passion for your congregation’s work more than the real-life stories of people shaped by it. 

Some churches and organizations carve out the top of their weekly staff meetings to share stories about the prior week. Some of the best tales of impact will come from your frontline staff or volunteers in the trenches with your senior adult, children’s, or youth ministries. So however you implement this habit, try to find ways to gather those stories from far and wide. Perhaps you encourage congregants to submit their own stories and share those throughout the year each week on your social media or web/news feed. 

This storytelling time to share the ups and downs of your ministries will also encourage and support your staff and volunteers. It’s a way to acknowledge each other and share the best practices and lessons learned across your ministries. 

In thanking donors, let them know about the incredible story you heard last week about a new student in the youth group. Or the impact of your nursing home onsite worship service on one of the residents. As you acknowledge donors for their gifts, you can share the direct impact they’re making for the kingdom.

Share the Stories

In uncovering those stories as a church leadership and staff, actively look for ways to share them with the members of your church. We’ll talk a bit about this next week as we look at communicating impact each month. Intentional story-gathering and a culture of shared storytelling amongst your staff and volunteers will be a habit that pays significant dividends in growing your stewardship program.

Even if you’re only able to implement one this coming year, we hope these habits will help your development work, your staff morale, and your church’s mission in the world.

Healthy Habits for Strong Stewardship

Better Donor Engagement through Four Habits

You can grow your church’s giving program through four simple habits. A small investment of a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly habit will cultivate your members’ generosity. These habits help demonstrate to them how giving to the church changes lives.

In this article, learn the four key habits that will put your stewardship program on a healthy course.

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Tim has over 30 years of experience in Church, Non-Profit Administration, Management, and Fund Development.  Serving as an Executive Pastor and Chief Development Officer in growing Churches and Non-Profit Organizations. He has provided a wide range of expertise and resources. Tim serves as the Founder and CEO of Non-Profit DNA. A boutique firm committed to helping nonprofits and churches. By building their capacity through fundraising, leadership, team building, staff recruiting, and coaching.

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