Ministers seem to be on the move more often today than ever before. Statistics show the average length of stay is between two and four years at one church depending on the position. There is a tremendous amount of pressure on the minister and his family when considering a relocation to a new church position.
Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider as you navigate whether to make the move or stay where you are.
1. Don’t make a quick decision to leave because you are frustrated where you are. Do realize that there is no perfect church and there will be frustrations at any church that you serve.
2. Don’t base a move purely on more money. Do realize that a bump in pay is nice, but God could lead you to another position with less money.
3. If you have children, don’t let them be a major factor into moving or not. Do realize that children adapt very quickly and handle change a lot better than we do as adults. Also, it is important for kids to see mom and dad leading their homes spiritually.
4. Don’t ask so many people what they think about the opportunity. Do realize that it ultimately comes down to what God wants you to do. Seeking some counsel is fine, but spending a good amount of time on our knees in prayer is more vital.
5. Don’t try to get every detail figured out before you make the decision. Do realize that God wants us to depend upon Him and may not give us every detail so that we will exercise faith, trusting Him where He is leading us to go.
As God opens doors and shuts doors in our future, may we live the verses in Proverbs 3:5-6 and honor Him as we serve the ministries to which He has called us to give our lives.
“Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not upon your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”