Why Mother’s Day? Why do we celebrate it? Why do we put so much time and effort into honoring our moms? We think it’s because we know how much time and effort they spend on helping us become the best person we can.
Mother’s Day has no religious significance or national root. It was created by a woman named Ana Jarvis while listening to her mother end a children’s Bible lesson. At the end of the lesson on mothers of the Bible, she prayed a simple prayer:
“I hope that someone, sometime will found a memorial mothers day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life. She is entitled to it.”
Ana Jarvis loved her mom and wanted to see her prayer answered. She devoted her time and energy to seeing Mother’s Day become first a local, then a national holiday. Even with simple beginnings, it’s become an important day. And really, no one wants to be the person who forgot to get something for their mom on Mother’s Day.
Moms love us. They support us. They wipe our noses and hold our hands. They go without sleep just to make sure we are sleeping enough. They sing us songs and tell us stories. They shape us into the people we’ve become. Mothers work hard everyday for their children and families, and it only makes sense that they’d receive a special day in return.
The Bible is filled with mothers who gave their lives for their children. Hannah, Rachel, Naomi, Bathsheba and Mary are prime examples of the lengths mothers go to for their children. Every male hero in the Bible had a mom who helped them become great. Jesus loved His mother so much that He took time out on the cross to care for her.
If Jesus, while dying for the sins of all mankind, can take time out for His mom, then we can too.
Doing something special on Mother’s Day isn’t everything, but it’s important. We should love our mothers every day, but the special things we do on Mother’s Day can bring our moms a little extra joy. They deserve more than a day, and we should show our love and affection for them to them.
Churches who bless moms on Mother’s Day should be careful to remember all women. Some women are childless and Mother’s Day brings them pain instead of joy. It is vital to remember these women too. Some moms live far away from their natural children, but their church family can do something special for them to supplement not seeing their kids. For all mothers, celebrating Mother’s Day is important.
With this said, here are eight simple Mother’s Day ideas for churches and families.
1) Roses
2) Cleaning up around the house
3) A nice dinner out
4) Frame an old picture.
5) Take some new pictures.
6) A walk in the park.
7) A letter written from the heart.
8) A massage, pedicure, or manicure (or maybe all three).
How will you be honoring your mother this year? Let us know if the comments section below.