You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know (Unless You Know)

With something as important as your church management software, it seems to me that it’s worth taking the time to figure out what you don’t know. There are many ways to get information about what your ACS Technologies solutions are capable of. Here are four ideas for trying to stay in the loop.

Step Up Your Stewardship Program (even in a tough economy)

Two years ago, when I was a reporter for a daily newspaper, I was talking to a man who works as a financial adviser for a nonprofit agency. He had retired early and now worked as a volunteer, helping people get their financial house in order. He knew a lot about economics, and he cheerfully told me that the recession was over.
“But when will it feel like it’s over?” I asked.
Confidently, he told me that it would no longer feel like a recession by the end of summer 2010.
I’m still waiting.