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Church Ideas for Promoting Easter on Social Media

Easter social media

Thinking about Easter posts for social media should be in continuous motion right now as this is where your people are– Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Mark 16:15 is clear about going into all the world and preaching the Gospel to all of creation, and social media is such an avenue to do so. Church ideas for promoting Easter on social media can include the following: 

  • Calendar invitational graphics for services, times, and locations. These should be eye-catching and communicate the culture of your church. Consider your audience and create “stop the scroll” content to engage them. 
  • If your church is conducting an egg hunt, that’s one of the best family and community-centric Easter Facebook post ideas to share. 
  • Engaging graphics- ask questions to increase comments and post activity
    • Poll questions to learn more about your audience (an idea might be regarding service times- do you prefer sunrise service, contemporary service or traditional service on Easter Sunday?) 
    • Bible trivia with winners announced on social media
    • Guess the number of jelly beans in the jar and earn a prize
  • Fun Easter social media post ideas  might include “this or that” topics with colorful pictures/graphics, such as
    • Peeps or Chocolate? 
    • Plastic-filled eggs or Dyed eggs?
    • Bonnets or Hairbows?
    • Suspenders or Bow ties?
    • Easter bunny or Chocolate bunny?
  • Don’t hide from the powerful message of Easter. Growing churches are finding ways to share real testimonies of transformation, tackle tough issues, and speak plainly about societal conversations. The Church, of all institutions, must weigh in on what matters most. And not shy away from engaging in discussions shaping our everyday lives. 

Tip: Boosting a Facebook post is a great option for reaching a larger audience with content that lives on your timeline. You may want to boost the calendar of events for Easter Services, a new sermon series, a big announcement, or something important for everyone who follows your page to see. Be sure that your post includes all relevant details as well as an image or video.

Family Life Radio reminds us of our duty to share our Christ with everyone: “After the risen Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene at the tomb, she immediately ran into town to tell the apostles what she’d seen. We’re called to spread the news of Christ’s redeeming love and sacrifice to all – making ‘disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:19 ESV).”  This is our daily task. And, if you are feeling like your bandwidth is at capacity in preparation for Holy Week, check out our Easter Toolkit (complete with website graphics, invitations, social media graphics, and worship slides) to help fill in the gap. Plus, it may just inspire more church ideas for promoting Easter this season and in the future. Partnering with you for powerful ministry growth is our sincere privilege.

Easter Follow up


Your church will see an influx of visitors this Easter. Use these tips to ensure you keep them coming back. A well-thought-out plan gives your church the best opportunity to leverage Easter into sustainable growth.

This free resource will cover the following:

  • Preparing for your Big Day
  • Making your Big Day Special
  • Easter Follow-Up That Works
  • Customizable Outreach Templates
  • And More!

Cary serves as ACS Technologies’ Chief People Officer. He joined ACS Technologies in 2012 with more than 20 years of progressive and strategic Human Resources leadership experience. Including multinational corporations such as Roche Pharmaceuticals, Becton Dickinson, and Baxter Healthcare International.

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