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Encouraging Faithful Church Stewardship During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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For those who have been raised in a church, and even for those who are new to your church, passing the offering plate is a ritual that gives them the opportunity to show their faithfulness through their stewardship to God and His Church. 

In a time like now, when church doors are not able to be open due to COVID-19, it’s important to still provide ways your church family can continue faithful stewardship. You have more than likely already implemented online giving, or are in the process of doing so. But how can you help your congregants become more comfortable with these new ways of giving?

Clearly Communicate How to Get Started

Online giving is so important to your church right now because it is truly equipping your congregation to be able to give anywhere anytime. Be sure you are communicating that to your church, including the multiple avenues that are available to them. For those who are new to online giving, you will want to make sure you are including clear and easy-to-follow instructions. These instructions may be in a post in your church management software, in an email to your church members, or in a short video that your pastor records to encourage online giving among your congregation. Share those instructions, as well as any graphics and other online giving tools on social media and any other outlets that reach your members so they are fully aware of their options to give. 

If you are using Realm for your online giving, be sure to check out the giving resources available, and if you are new to online giving in Realm, there are more launch resources to help you get started.

Help Your Congregants Feel Comfortable

Many churches are turning to livestreaming and pre-recorded videos to be able to continue ministering to their members during this time. Just as most of you include announcements in your normal worship services, continue that by reserving a few moments of each announcement video to remind your members of ways to give. Right now, we are hearing COVID-19 so often that it has become part of our daily language and thoughts. In the same way, if you continue to mention the many ways to give, you are building a comfort level within your congregation that will encourage them to adopt online giving moving forward.

Remind Your Church that Gifts are More Than Money

So many times, we get in the mindset that our gifts have to come in the form of money, but what your church does with it is why online giving is so important. Churches are the core of many outreach efforts during COVID-19 and other disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes. By enabling eGiving in your church, you are enabling your congregation to continue supporting those in need and reminding your congregation to show faithful stewardship with what God has given the Church. Remind your members of the many efforts your church is a part of that are helping your community so they know that their gifts are just as important now as any other time, because we all know that ministry happens outside of the church doors. And if you are using Realm church software, now is a great time to use custom giving forms for those relief efforts for which you may be needing financial support. 

While COVID-19 has many of us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, using online giving and clearly communicating its value to your church family will keep them connected to ministry and ease their worries when it comes to answering God’s call to be His Church during this time.

Read more:

Implementing Online Giving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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