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Equipping Small Group Leaders

people standing in line holding bibles

We all have a lot of needs right now. 

Your congregation has a lot of needs right now. 

You and your staff can’t handle all the requests for prayer, counsel, financial help, comfort…the needs are great. This is why having small groups right now is so essential.

When someone plugs into a small group, they are connected with other Christ followers that can help fill in those gaps. You and your staff aren’t supposed to fill every need. We are all called to support each other because we are collectively the Church.

Leading and training your small group leaders is vital. Equip and empower them to lead well. 

Ways To Equip And Empower Your Small Group Leaders:

  1. Provide training: As communication has shifted to a virtual platform for many groups, many leaders may need training in this area. Hold training one evening to show them how to use Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, or whatever platform your church recommends using. Explain how to use the chat box, change the background, and share their screen. Some small group members may be comfortable meeting in person, but others may need or want to join virtually. If your leaders know how to utilize the technology, they can help their small group stay connected.
  2. Make sure their group is set up in Realm®: provide training for your leaders on how to utilize Realm for communication and encouragement. Their small group can have ongoing conversations and keep up with each other when they are meeting or during other events — all through Realm.
  3. Provide Bible study materials and options: Your church may have hard copies of Bible studies or digital libraries for your small group leaders. Make sure they are aware of the many other free resources that offer studies: YouVersion, BibleProject, and The Bible Recap. Your small group leaders need to be aware of the many options available and how to access them (individually and as a group).
  4. Make sure they have a list of community resources: As a leader, they may have members of the small group looking for counseling or financial help. Having a list of these types of resources will be very helpful for your leaders. This way, they can feel confident referring members of their group to a counselor that the church has already recommended. 
  5. Schedule check-ins: Don’t provide a one-time training session and just let them go and hope for the best. Set a time each week where you or someone on your staff follows up with each small group leader. Make sure they have an established place on Realm where they can go with questions or share positive stories. Stay connected with these leaders, and help them stay connected with and support each other.

Your small groups are often the foundation of your church. These are members who don’t just come on Sunday but dedicate time to stay connected during the week. These are also the folks that are often most likely to volunteer.

This is why having strong, well-equipped small group leaders is so important! It’s essential to the members in their groups and your staff, your church, and, in turn, your community!

For more information on Small Groups, please download the Small Events With Big Impact guide or view our Small Group blogs.

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