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Following up with Attendees after an Event

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Is there a better feeling than successfully pulling off an event at your church? All the organizing and planning involved, finding the right staff, getting people registered…orchestrating church events is not for the faint of heart.  But when it all comes together the day of the event, it’s like magic, isn’t it?

Though it’s important to relish in your successes, don’t forget one of the most crucial aspects of your event process: following up with attendees. Churches that use Realm can easily follow up with new visitors, so they don’t fall through the cracks. Plus, they can thank their attendees and make sure those who weren’t able to attend don’t miss out. Let’s take a look at how they’re doing that and how you can as well. 

Adding New Attendees to Pathways

Regardless if you’re having new people visiting your church for worship services or an event, it’s so important to make sure you have processes in place to promptly follow up with new visitors. Churches that have moved to Realm are using Pathways to place new visitors on a track to membership.

Your church probably already has processes in place when you reach out to new visitors. Maybe your church sends them a thank you note, offers a quick call, or has a ministry that sends baked goods. Whatever that process looks like, you can add it in Realm Pathways. If your church doesn’t have a clear process today, this is a great time to get it formalized. Creating your pathway is as simple as adding the steps of your new visitor follow-up process and plugging in leaders who can oversee each step.

Once new visitors begin registering for your event, you can add them to your “New Visitor Follow-up” Pathway directly from your registration event and immediately start reaching out to them.

Send a “Thank you for attending” Email to Attendees

The impression attendees get from your event can mean the difference between them returning to your church or not. In addition to providing them with a first-rate experience, you can further build those relationships by sending them a quick thank you for their time and fellowship.

Whether you’ve used Realm’s check-in solution or just marked attendance at the door, both options created an attendance record for the attendee.  By simply visiting your registration event in Realm, you can sort on the “Attended?” list, select all that have a “Yes” by their name, and send them an email, so they continue to feel valued by your ministry.    

Communicate with Registrants who were Unable to Attend   

If there’s any single truth in ministry — and in life — it’s that we often find ourselves in situations that are out of our control. And your congregation certainly isn’t exempt from that. Unfortunately, when your registrants can’t make it to your event, it’s a wonderful gesture to send them a thank you anyway for registering. Better yet, if you stream your event using Realm Church live streaming, sending them the link to the recording can help them feel connected to your ministry without even being there.

Much like sending an email to all attendees, you can just as easily send one to all who could not attend. By simply visiting your registration event in Realm, you can once again sort on the “Attended?” list, this time selecting all that have a “No” by their name, and send them an email, so they continue to feel valued by your ministry.   

Managing all the moving pieces of an event in your church is hard. However, with the help of Event Registration and Pathways in Realm, it will be easy to follow up with new visitors and communicate with registrants and attendees. 

Read More:

Small Events with Big Impact: Organize Your Event

Setting Up Your Event Registration

Small Events Big Impact: Analyze Your Event

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