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Give Like Jesus


VLOG Enabling the Changing Catholic Church Part 4

Jesus never lost sight of his ultimate mission.

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to finish his work.”  John 4:34

ACST is collaborating with Greater Mission, LLC to offer Amen Generosity, an innovative consulting service designed to help you increase regular giving levels. With Amen Generosity, you get the fundraising expertise, data insights, and proven campaign methods you need to inspire regular, faithful giving and build ministry life.

Here are just a few things you can expect with Amen Generosity:

  • In-person training
  • Coaching via your dedicated team of development experts
  • Videos
  • Sample giving materials
  • Robust reporting and analysis
  • Ongoing implementation support

And ultimately, Giving Like Jesus!

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