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Go Method: Taking Mission Trip Planning To The Next Level

Mission trip planning

Mission trips are a staple for spreading God’s word and turning people into disciples. Due to COVID, international mission trips were not possible in recent years, and you may have been hesitant to do domestic outreach due to the risks that came with having a large gathering.   Hopefully, your church or parish is back in the swing of things with mission trips, but you may be feeling overwhelmed and out of practice from not doing them for so long. Don’t worry – ACS Technologies can help!

Go Method is one of ACS Technologies’ newest solutions and provides your staff, trip leaders, and participants with tools to easily and efficiently plan and manage your mission trips.  With Go Method, you can gather information, collect assets, communicate with your teams, and empower participants to fundraise for their trips. 

Information Gathering 

A plethora of information needs to be assembled for each person involved in your trip.  You need applications, documents, and forms from participants. For leaders, you may require references or a recent background check. Go Method can help you manage all of your information and document collection.   

You can create your own templates for applications for participants and leaders with custom questions so you don’t have to start from scratch for every trip. Plus, you can create documents such as medical release forms, disclosure agreements, and more. Go Method also has integrations for e-signing, making gathering your documents and signatures a quick, painless process.  

Automating Requirements 

Go Method’s automation capabilities are what sets it apart from other mission trip planning solutions. Your staff or trip leaders may be spending a substantial amount of time gathering everything required for trips from applications to documents to IDs, all while tracking and encouraging your participants’ fundraising efforts.   

Go Method is a due-date based system, allowing you to assign dates for requirements, send automated reminders to participants, and view progress towards completion at a glance. 


Raising funds for your mission trip may be the most challenging part of planning because you’re likely relying on participants to campaign and drive their own progress. With Go Method, you can create fundraising pages for each participant in addition to a general fundraising page for the trip. 

Participants can personalize their page with information about themselves and why they’re passionate about the mission trip and share the page on their social media accounts.  Donors can make their gifts on the page, which is PCI compliant. 

Staff and trip leaders will see up-to-date fundraising information for the trip and individual participants in a dashboard within each trip. 

These features are just a few benefits of using Go Method for your mission trip planning.  Go Method now integrates with Realm and MinistryPlatform, saving you time by eliminating duplicate entries. 

To find out all the ways Go Method can improve your mission trip planning and save time, click here or start a free trial here.

Whitney joined ACS Technologies in 2017 and is a Senior Product Marketing Manager in the market department. Prior to ACST, Whitney worked at Blackbaud for 11 years in various roles focusing on churches and other non-profits.

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