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Implementing Online Giving in ACS with Abundant

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Hi, I’m Leigh Ann with ACS Technologies. 

Being able to pass the collection plate during your worship service is not an option right now, but you can still provide your congregation with ways to be faithful through giving using Abundant™, the eGiving solution in ACS. This allows your members to continue giving including online, via text, or through the mobile Abundant app from anywhere at any time. 

I want to show you how you can use online giving through Abundant in ACS during this pandemic to help your church collect gifts for a certain fund or outreach mission and how you can set up and implement Abundant even if you are working from home like me. 

So let’s log in to Abundant through ACS to get started.

Customized Church Giving Forms

We know that during difficult times, like pandemics, churches are finding ways to continue their ministry. But in order to do ministry and provide for your church family and community, you need to be able to raise money to support those efforts.

Abundant in ACS gives you the ability to create customized church giving forms for your specific needs. 

Once we are in Abundant, we are going to click on Giving forms in the top left. And here you see I’ve created a COVID-19 Relief form.

If your church has specific needs related to COVID-19 or maybe it’s a specific outreach your church is leading right now in your community, you can create a giving form for that need. 

And as you see when we click on this form, Abundant provides you with a link you can use to share this giving form in an email or on social media. Or you can use the embed codes to add to your church website. 

The great thing about customized giving forms is that you can change the settings and design to fit your needs. Here, you’ll see I named the form COVID-19 Relief and I’ve created a unique URL for this form. I also have the option to use a specific keyword for text giving for this specific cause, and then you see the funds tied to this giving form.

Under Design, I’ve added a Title, Subtitle, and intro message. You can change the photo to be specific to what this giving form is being used for, as well as changing the colors and style. 

You can also see that I’ve added a thank you message that those who give will see after they make their gift.

I want to show you what your members will see when they click the link or see this form on your website. So here you see the title, subtitle, and intro message.

You see that suggested gift that I can go in and change if I wanted to give a different amount. I can choose what fund to give to, or give to multiple funds for this cause. I have the option to give one and set that gift date or give multiple times and select how often I want to give and when I want that recurring gift to start and end. Once I hit continue, I can enter my payment information and make my gift.

Don’t have Abundant in ACS? Easily set it up yourself!

In our Help Center, we have videos that will walk you through how to set up and implement online giving through Abundant in ACS for your church. These videos show you everything from the basics of Abundant to implementing online giving to your church.

And don’t forget, we have tons of free giving resources available for you to use to encourage your members to give online. You can visit These resources can be downloaded and easily customized to fit your church’s needs. 

By using Abundant through ACS, you provide your members with an easy and safe way to continue supporting the financial needs of your church family.

And of course, we here at ACS Technologies are here to help you with anything you need along the way.

We are here for you, and we care about you!

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