There is a new trend I have noticed recently. No, it’s not the maxi dress, it’s on Facebook. The new thing (or at least to me) is live children’s clothing auctions. There are several pages where you can join them. Some seem to be a few people doing this out of their homes, while others are from larger organizations. At a published time, they post a picture of an outfit, the price, and the available sizes.
The eager shopping moms put a comment on the picture of their email address and the size they want. They are then emailed an invoice to pay for the item. Some charge shipping, some do not. All of them are cheaper than boutiques because of the low overhead.
Many of the major sites have thousands of followers that are growing exponentially. I am still trying to wrap my mind around it. I’m not sure I have time to sit by the computer waiting for the photos to be posted one by one, but it sure is intriguing.
It makes me think to the creation of Facebook and scenes from “The Social Network”. The intent behind Facebook and its continued growth was not to help moms keep their children well dressed in seasonal smocked jon-jons. Yet, it is off and running. Someone got a creative idea for their business and used the space that many folks were already involved in. Hopefully all of you already have a Facebook page for your church.
Once you have the page, how are you using it? What creative ideas have you come up with to get people involved with the church, each other, or the community? How are you using this secular tool for your ministry?
Ministry is an application it was not designed for, but isn’t it great how you can reach people that are already there in the Facebook world! Let us know what you are doing with Facebook, we’d love to share it with others.
ACS Technologies has a Facebook page as well. You might not get a “free bagel” or a “pecent off a purchase” like other pages, but it will keep you up to date! We are trying to let our clients know more about what is going on with us and our software on Facebook. If you haven’t “liked” us, check us out!
Keep being creative, the possibilities are truly endless!