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The Heart of Ministry Effectiveness

Most Powerful Platform

You don’t need just any vendor for your ministry technology, you need the right ministry technology partner. And, there’s a difference. Ministry has never been a solo endeavor. Partnership has always been at the heart of ministry effectiveness

As you’re reaching people with the Good News about Jesus, exploring community outreach ideas for churches, helping people live on purpose, and meeting needs in your neighborhoods, your church shouldn’t also need to be technology experts to do the work to which God has called you. We believe that every church needs good partners around them to effectively fulfill its mission. Look how ministry resource Your Most Powerful Platform emphasizes three roles of a true partnership:

Partners don’t just support you for the task; they join you on the mission.

Ephesians 4:16- “From Him the whole body [the church, in all its various parts], joined and knitted firmly together by what every joint supplies, when each part is working properly, causes the body to grow and mature, building itself up in [unselfish] love.’

Partners make the effort to understand your why not just what you need done.

1 Peter 1:13- “Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Partners value you for more than just what you provide for their bottom line.

Romans 12:10- “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

Often in a church staff meeting, when talking about technology, the focus is on the tools versus the partner, for example:

  • Does our church have a mobile app people will use?
  • Can our ChMS keep up with everything going on in our church?
  • Is our website effectively communicate our church mission? 
More than Tools

Remember, normal vendors will most certainly provide tools that will help you do the ministry, but ministry partners are much more than the tools they provide. We would go as far as to say, your first order of business isn’t to find the right tools. It’s to find the right partner:

  • Integrity is real for us, and it means consistently being faithful stewards by doing the right thing for church success. We have earned the trust of pastors, church staff, congregants, our employees, and colleagues for over 40 years
  • We’re not just interested in satisfied customers. We see ourselves as your real ministry partner and will work with you – heart to heart – to make disciples that will last for an eternity. We’re excited to discuss your goals, create a plan together, and set you up with a personalized ministry environment, including software, service, and the resources you need.
  • We build great software, but we don’t stop there. We have a “service-first” approach that truly sets us apart. With hundreds of dedicated support and consulting personnel, your staff can reach our team 24/7. We’re here to walk alongside you with the ministry challenges you face every day.

Paul’s appreciation for strong gospel partners is articulated in several of his letters but particularly in Philippians 1:3-5: “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”

Why ACS Technologies

Over 90% of our team members at ACS Technologies have worked or volunteered at a church. Your Most Powerful Platform is a direct result of us understanding your mission because, honestly, it’s ours, too. We want to help you pursue it more effectively in your personalized ministry environment. We’re not just a normal church technology vendor, we are your trusted partner in your ministry. And, to make it even easier so you don’t miss any of our effective Church Growth Resources, you can also receive our ministry blog posts straight to your inbox!

Most Powerful Platform
Ministry in today’s complex environment requires a ChMS that’s powerful, people-focused, and flexible.

In this guide, we’ll tell you how MinistryPlatform is the most powerful platform to:

● build the church you want
● know your people better
● do church your way

MinistryPlatform was designed specifically for larger churches’ unique and rapidly changing needs. It’s the right platform to help you fulfill your mission today and tomorrow.

Chris serves as the Vice President of MinistryPlatform, which provides the most powerful and flexible Church Management System for membership, group involvement, check-scanning, contributions, event management, check-in, and public website integration – including online giving and online event registration. He leads the team in finding new ways to help the Church engage with people by using information. Chris was CEO of Think Ministry / MinistryPlatform before merging with ACS Technologies in April 2021.

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