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Help Wanted: Top Skills Churches Should Recruit in 2024

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It’s been an exhausting year for many church leaders. However, as the year 2020 comes to a close, churches are looking ahead to next year with renewed energy and optimism for a fresh start.

Along with this fresh start to 2021, churches anticipate new opportunities for ministry in a changed world. Due to the pandemic, churches developed (or are in the process of developing) creative ways of doing worship, children’s ministry, outreach, and everything else they do every week.

One thing many church leaders have realized in the process of adapting to the “new normal” is they need to recruit a whole new class of specialists for their team of staff members who can do the new kinds of jobs required to meet the ministerial and operational needs of their church. 

Here are some of the most popular jobs to go on the market for 2021 which church leaders across the nation should begin planning to hire soon.

First Connections Director: People are feeling more and more disconnected from others. They have had time to reflect on their own humanity during the pandemic. They’ve realized that relationships come first and have created margin, or room, in their lives where previously there was none. Since opening their doors for in-person services once again, churches are recording record numbers of first-time visitors to their buildings. These first-time visitors need people who will greet them warmly and show them the love of Christ in welcoming and human ways. To create an effective strategy on how to embrace guests most effectively for the Kingdom, churches need a First Connections Director who can oversee greeters and other volunteers who will be the first people new guests see when they come in the door. Even while wearing face masks and unable to give handshakes, the First Connections Director will make sure that everyone who enters the door of the church feels welcome.

Online Pastor: Churches everywhere went online for months on end during 2020. Most still have an online presence as they discovered the online community is relevant to our culture today. Even if people only attend church in person once or twice a month, they love having the option of watching the sermon online when they choose to stay home. An online pastor can be available to answer questions and build community with those who are watching from their computer or tablet. Realizing that the online community is just like an extension campus is a key paradigm shift that church leadership teams must make. The hiring of an online pastor is crucial to embracing this paradigm.

Online Content Producer: With the advent of the online service, many worship tech producers were given the added responsibility of producing the online services and any other online offerings the church wanted to do (i.e., Bible studies, Worship nights, and devotionals). This taxed the worship techs to the max and caused an unnecessary overload. Therefore, churches should be ready to hire an Online Content Producer who can focus his or her energy on producing high quality online services and other online/virtual products. This will lighten the load for others and will produce better results for the online congregation. 

Online Talent Coordinator: Similar to the Online Content Producer, it quickly became apparent that people appearing in online church services needed coaching from experts on best practices when appearing on camera. Issues such as voice inflection, wardrobe, makeup, and posture can all be addressed by an Online Talent Coordinator. This position can also help church staff determine who should serve on the online worship teams and who should give the online sermons. The coordinator can help equip those ministering online to be their best on-camera selves.

Innovations Director: Week after week during the pandemic, church staff meetings were held all across the nation; pastors and church staff members would hold brainstorming sessions on creative ways to do church when people could not meet together. Many of these staff members were not trained in the creative arts, nor were they gifted in developing innovative solutions. Hiring an Innovations Director who has the education and experience in solving challenging problems in creative and innovative ways will help the church move forward productively, while at the same time allowing the pastors and other church staff members to focus their energies on the things they do well.

Stewardship Director: Many churches across the nation faced financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. People everywhere lost their jobs and sense of financial security and were unable to continue tithing and giving of offerings. Churches suffered as a result. Pastors and staff members did their best to manage the money well, but could have used some professional help in determining how to save and spend in the best fiduciary ways possible. A Stewardship Director could help in this way, giving his/her full energies to the finances of their church, while operating within the church’s outreach and ministry goals.

We’re moving into an unknown season of the Church. As church leaders we need to be prepared. Hiring people qualified for new jobs for this new era will launch churches toward effectiveness faster and with more positive outcomes for the Kingdom.

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Growing Your Church Through Streaming

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