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Using Realm Registration Events to move forward from COVID-19

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You might be wondering how you can use an online registration when all of your in-person events have been canceled. As churches begin to transition from COVID-19 back to a new “normal”, Realm® Event Registration can make this process much easier and efficient for everyone using it. Some churches across the world are already in the process of transitioning back to on-site worship services, while others are still continuing to meet weekly online. In both of these situations, you can create an event and invite people to join you. Events can be created for anything you have going on within your church from virtual meetings and gatherings to on-site activities.

Simply log in to your Realm account, select the “Event Registration” tab on the left side of your screen, and create your event. Some examples of events you might consider creating can be online registration for your virtual Zoom gatherings, VBS (virtual or on-site), men’s, women’s, children, and student gatherings (virtual or on-site). As you transition through such an uncertain time, utilizing Realm’s event registration can help you stay organized and know who you are to keep in touch with for each event.

The online event registrations allow you to communicate with each participant attending the event, send quick and easy emails, ask questions regarding each participant and their needs, collect funds for the event if needed, and provide a shareable link so anyone can register, even if they don’t attend your church.

See the picture below as an example of virtual event registration. I hope this will spark some creativity for you and the limitless things you can continue to do to reach the people in your community and beyond.

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6 thoughts on “Using Realm Registration Events to move forward from COVID-19”

  1. Avatar for Val Arbon

    It would help greatly if there were an option to make Registration Events of type Donation with a suggested donation amount and not be just a required payment amount. Then all of the registration features would be a great help in staging the event like check-in and payment tracking tied to the event.

    As it is using group events make it difficult to track donations from those that have expressed an interest in attending and who actually attend.

  2. Avatar for Nancy LeVasseur

    So, based on what I am reading, there are no new features with event registration. You are simply encouraging us to use it. We’ve been using event registration for all our Zoom activities so we can send attendees the link to the meeting.

  3. Avatar for Nancy LeVasseur

    Part 2 of my response:
    What would really be great is if we could customize the email reply to include the Zoom link as many of our registrants have expected this as an outcome to their registration and they wonder why they have not gotten. This idea has been submitted (by me), and I am wondering when we will see it implemented. The absence of this functionality gives us more work to do because we have to download all the attendees in an Excel file and send them an email with the link. The link should be in the email auto responder that is generated as a result of them having registered.

    Also, when I put in “online” the end user can click on that link, and I have no idea where Google sends them, but there should be an option to disable the Google map when we are not meeting at a physical location.

  4. Avatar for Lisa Roberts

    Is there a way to not automatically register for future dates of repeating events? We have a class max capacity but the people who rsvp’d for the first are automatically registered for future events. We want people to register for each class each week.

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