School is out and many families are gearing up for summer vacations, so your church may see a dip in attendance. Of course, it’s great for your members to get away with their families and take a break from the usual routine, but their faith is with them wherever they go.
With Realm Streaming, congregants can attend your services and events virtually from wherever they are. Families can attend in real-time, or you can post a recording on your church’s website so members can watch at their convenience.

In Realm, you can post a streaming link each week in the newsfeed, and members will see it in their Connect app. Congregants who have opted to receive notifications will also receive a text or email alerting them to your post. You can also post links to your website and social media if you would like to make them public.

Realm Streaming allows you to customize the look and feel so you can adhere to your church’s branding. You also have the option to record a special message to air prior to the service or event so you can welcome your virtual attendees.
Congregants can watch your streaming services or events on any device, and your viewers will enjoy an ad-free experience. In addition, your church will have access to viewership analytics so you can see how many people attended.
Summer doesn’t have to be a stressful time for your church. Realm Streaming allows your congregants to participate in worship and events, and Realm gives you the communication tools to share your streaming opportunities with your members.