They’re called the unchurched… the de-churched… the disengaged. They live right there in your neighborhood. But they don’t come to church. How do you reach them?
Call out: We have proven ways to start filling your church with new people every Sunday.
Often people don’t disagree with the life-giving message of Christianity. They just believe their local church is not relevant to their lives. ACST can help you FIND and KNOW so you can LOVE your neighbors in ways that meet their expressed needs.

With our HOW TO FIND MORE PEOPLE guide you’ll learn:
- Key attitudes, objections and motivations in your neighborhood.
- Why people left. But more importantly, what might bring them back.
- How to connect with younger generations.
- What needs your neighbors have and how you can serve them better.
- How to match people with ministries they want.
- New ways to invite people.
- Improved communications.