Pastoral Care
Care for your flock
Journeys & Milestones
Keep track of important events for each congregant or parishioner such as a baptism or wedding with milestones in MinistryPlatform. Create a path for specific milestones, such as sacraments, by creating journeys where you can track each person’s progress through their spiritual path.
Engagement tracking
Prioritize outreach by understanding the engagement level of each visitor or member. Create engagement levels in MinistryPlatform by establishing criteria based on opportunities in your church or parish, such as people who have donated or people who attend but have not joined.
Keep engagement information up-to-date for each person in your pews with automatic, daily engagement updates using routines. MinistryPlatform will automatically update their engagement status using the criteria for each level as they participate in your church.
Enable your leadership and care teams to take ministry on the go with LifeApps in MinistryPlatform. CareLife allows you to to create, view, and manage care cases including logging meetings, prayer requests, or needs. NeedConnect allows members to request assistance from the church, such as clothing, food, or prayer, to help them through their time of need. Volunteer Connect allows volunteer coordinators and team leaders to manage their teams, communicate with volunteers, view and mark attendance, and create serving schedules, while volunteers can manage their own serving assignments.