Cultivate a Thriving Congregation
A church that is not a contextualized expression of its community is not being faithful to the gospel.
Open a world of ministry opportunities for your church by discovering more ways to connect with your community. Use addresses from your church as a starting point to plot your community, so you can begin to respond to many of the concerns churches face today. With MissionInsite, you will make more informed decisions, become more effective with your ministries, and build confident leaders.
MissionInsite equips your church to:
Build Effective Pastoral Teams
Choosing the right pastor for your unique congregation and context.
Focus—ExecutiveInsite Reports summarize the essential information about your changing community and program priorities.
Align—The MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide describes eight different categories for spiritual leadership, and identifies leadership expectations among the top lifestyle groups in and beyond the church.
- Anticipate—ComparativeInsite Reports let you compare and contrast expectations for clergy among lifestyle groups over- or under-represented in church to anticipate missional needs and continuing education priorities.
Engage Lay Leaders
Recruit and train the right people to lead effective ministries.
Represent—Analyze percentage representation in church and community by age, gender, race/culture, and occupation so that board membership can mirror demographic diversity.
Adapt—Follow seven distinct Phase of Life Trends to adapt committee plans and identify measureable outcomes.
- Empathize—Gain greater empathy for mission by using summaries of lifestyle and lifestyle ministry expectations for the largest lifestyle groups represented in the church.
Worship as One Body
Unite different expressions into one heart of worship.
Preference—The MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide explains seven distinct kinds of mission-driven worship options favored by top lifestyle groups in church and community.
Expectations—ComparativeInsite Reports help you interpret expectations for worship message, liturgy, style, and symbolism for lifestyle groups that are over- or under-represented in the church.
Beliefs—ReligousInsite Reports provides unique research tracking beliefs about God and Jesus; while MinistryInsite Reports prioritize top life concerns to focus preaching and prayer.
Shed light on who your neighbor is.
“We think we know who’s around us, but we really don’t until we begin looking at something like MissionInsite that has really effective tools to shed light on who our neighbor is. We’re to be in ministry with our neighbor, but who is our neighbor? MissionInsite tells us that.”
—Maggie, Business Administrator
Be Known for Radical Hospitality
Train volunteers for hospitality in an increasingly more complex community context.
Understand—Exclusive access to Mosaic data helps you identify the tastes, technologies, fashions, friendships, and other lifestyle preferences in the daily behavior of community groups.
Embrace—MinistryInsite Priorities Reports identify in order the top ten reasons why outsiders do not participate in a church, and why current church members are considering leaving the church.
- Respond—ReligousPriorities Reports provide insight into the variety of perspectives on God, Jesus, and social and moral values visitors bring with them to church so you can train greeters, ushers, and servers to anticipate their questions.
Give Consistent Pastoral Care
MissionInsite helps pastoral care teams navigate the increasingly difficult challenges of a congregation’s physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual needs.
Prioritize—MinistryInsite Reports prioritize top life concerns for people in church and community so that visitors can focus their words of encouragement and themes for prayer.
Collaborate—Color-coded thematic mapping identify the precise neighbourhoods with highest population densities that are concerned about specific social issues and trends so you can train volunteers and collaborate with social and health care services.
Plan—Identify specific locations for all health care, social service, emergency and security agencies within your area of congregational influence.
Provide Christian Education
Sunday may be the only day some children hear stories about God’s love.
Adapt—The MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide helps you adapt educational space, methods, and technologies most relevant to the lifestyle groups represented in church and community.
Relate—Identify the preferred communication options for different age and lifestyle groups in the community, including preferred social media choices.
Reach—Follow community trends for immigration (culture and language) to adapt learning environments and target ESL programs.
Designed by church leaders for church work.
“MissionInsite was designed by church leaders for church work. It is simple to use and is faithful to its purpose of serving the church. Other products identify market groups but are designed for businesses. MissionInsite takes into consideration things that the church considers and serves the church better than any other system.”
—Tom, Research Consultant
Multiply Your Small Groups
Different groups have different preferences for small group leadership, formats, topics, timelines, and accountabilities. One size does not fit all.
Match—Use People Plot to identify member households that are most central to people who share particular affinities and interests and could host small groups in their homes.
Connect—Use MinistryInsite and ExecutiveInsite Reports to connect people with similar life concerns, work schedules, educational attainment, and occupations.
- Train—Use ReligiousInsite Priorities reports to train small group leaders to anticipate questions about God, Jesus, and social and moral values, and use relevant curricula customized for their group.
Maximize Outreach Opportunities
With so many outreach opportunities today—quality of life, health, addictions, survival, human potential, and interpersonal relationships—how do you determine the best ways to bless your community?
Importance—Use MinistryInsite Reports to identify social service priorities for people within the influence of the church.
Gaps—Use Opportunity Scan to identify the precise neighborhoods with highest specific social concerns and locate outreach ministries precisely where they need to be.
Focus—Track demographic trends to phase out less relevant programs and initiate new ministries.
- Prioritize—The MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide identifies seven categories for outreach and reveals the priorities to both receive help and volunteer to give help in church and community.
Create a Culture of Evangelism
Help tongue-tied Christians share their faith with strangers.
Find—Accurately define the number of “unchurched” people with no religious involvement in any given neighborhood.
Equip—Use ReligiousInsite reports to train volunteers to understand nuances for different beliefs about God, Jesus, the Bible, and other religious perspectives in the community.
- Go—Identify the locations of gathering places where people converse and interact like coffee houses and restaurants, pubs and bars, and recreational and fitness centers.
See new ways to do missions.
“Our church congregants were getting very stagnant on what they saw in their community and many of our churches had become somewhat isolated from their community. They were doing mission work that felt good to them but wasn’t bearing a lot of fruit because there was a mismatch between what they perceived their community to be and the reality of it. MissionInsite has become a great place for us to understand the community so that we can then help guide the congregations to see new ways to do missions. MissionInsite is a vital tool that I need in congregation vitality as well as our churches need to do ministry.”
—Beth, Congregational Vitality
Utilize Your Facility to the Fullest
Budget important changes and renovations.
Observe— Follow trends in residency and transportation to guide property development, relocation, and multi-site ministry opportunities.
Prioritize— Use Mosaic and the MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide to prioritize technology upgrades for worship, education, and administration.
- Exhibit—Adapt architecture and symbols in traditional or contemporary ways to communicate the values and beliefs of the church to the community.
Finance Your Ministry
Raise more funds.
Forecast—ComparativeInsite Reports provide an accurate projection of the true financial potential of your church to plan capital fund raising campaigns.
Find—Target designated giving opportunities and methods toward specific member households that may be most interested.
- Fit—Target Christian family financial planning opportunities toward specific lifestyle groups in church and community neighborhoods.
Improve Your Communication
Engage your congregation in your programs.
List—Order low-cost lists for direct mail, and target specific neighborhoods or zip codes to advertise programs and coming events.
- Compare—The MissionImpact Mosaic Application Guide compares and contrasts communication preferences between church groups and community groups.
Regional or National Access
MissionInsite empowers you to better understand your organization and community by leveraging demographics and engagement analytics. Our individual, regional and national subscriptions unlock all the features from plotting members and donors to forecasting trends before they happen. Community information is available for any custom geography anywhere in the United States.
Learn more about how MissionInsite’s solutions can help your church.
Plans to lead your church with confidence.
Make the best possible decisions with the best possible information.
- Understand more about your immediate community.
- Extend your reach into neighboring cities and communities.
- Learn about opportunities to grow into additional locations.