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Share this information with others in your parish.

Maintain consistent databases across your diocese and parishes.

Help your diocese maintain up-to-date contact records by enabling your parishes to exchange the most current contact information with your diocesan offices. PDS DioOffice helps your diocese know and interact with your parishes, even as they grow and change, and facilitate effective fundraising and communications.

Synchronize data for accuracy.

Synchronize key information with your parishes, organizations, and diocesan departments. Parishes using PDS Church Office™ can submit data to the diocese through the PDS DioOffice Server. Diocesan users can accept, ignore, or decline data, or edit the data with updates to maintain accurate data.

Collect additional information from parishes.

Parishes using PDS Church Office can upload optional member data to DioOffice, such as Safe Environment data, phone numbers, email addresses, ministries, photos, and communications.

Manage funds, campaigns, and appeals.

View campaign progress for all funds and parishes on one screen, send payment reminders, and analyze financial data for your diocese and parishes all within PDS DioOffice.

Establish effective communication.

Create mass mailings or email directly from PDS DioOffice to communicate with all those within your diocese. You can also print Rolodex cards, coupons, letters, and mailing labels for your convenience.

Feature Highlights