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Community Analytics solutions to build deeper connections within your community

Quickly gain insight into your community and maximize your impact

Our community analytics tools provide demographic information to empower you to identify prospective members, cultivate your members, and make informed decisions for the growth of your ministries to accomplish your mission.

Know your people and community

View demographic, socioeconomic, and religious preference data about your church and community to make informed decisions on changes you may need to make in your worship, ministries, leadership, and outreach efforts to maximize attendance and engagement.

Identify expansion or consolidation needs

Whether you’re consolidating churches, planting a new church, or opening a school within your church, our community analytics give you tools to know what church is best for your members, the most ideal location for your new church plant, and family data for you to estimate enrollment and other needs for your new school.

Increase capital campaign success

Use data to view financial information within your church so you can better plan your capital campaign and target large donors with tailored messaging.

Community Analytics Solutions to help you discover what matters most.

ACS Technologies strives to build community analytics software to help you turn insights into ministry impact. To explore our community analytics software options, please visit one of our brands:

MissionInsite is a cloud-based technology platform that bridges the gap between data and decisionable information by answering the “where” and “what about” questions in your organization and community.


To build a stronger church community, you must first know who makes up your church community. By learning who they are, where they live, and what their household and work lives look like, you can understand their needs and what they may have in common. Then, use that data to build small groups to encourage bonding of those who have similar interests within your church family. Check out Building Small Groups with MissionInsite to learn more.

MissionInsite enables organizations to see the communities they serve by integrating a variety of key behavioral, socio-economic, financial, religious, and demographic characteristics. MissionInsite answers “where” questions about your members, donors, users, locations, boundaries, housing developments, special programs, and the community at large. By visually presenting the locational relationships, questions are answered and decisions can be made – simply and easily.

Data tells you everything you need to know about your church’s health. Your members’ data allows you to connect with them on a personal level and see how they are engaging with your ministry. Your financial data keeps your church on track for budgeting, expenses, and other financial needs. Your attendance and involvement data keep you in the loop of those ministries that are growing and those that may need a little help along the way. Utilizing data at the beginning of every effort within your church ensures you’re not moving blindly, but instead serving your church in meaningful ways to encourage growth and engagement.

What our ministry partners are saying

“I don’t know how I would do our strategic missionary planning without MissionInsite. You’d never know if your vision for the future, your direction that you’re going, and the goals that you’re setting are realistic or achievable because you don’t have that data as your basis for making some of those decisions. So, to me, that’s a critical element of the planning that you can’t do without.”


Associate Director of Missionary Planning and Leadership

“MissionInsite has been instrumental in helping the churches we work with to get a real sense of who is around them and if that fits with their current programming or if maybe they need to transform their programming or relocate to an area better suited to their current participants. I can’t imagine being able to do the work we do without MissionInsite’s reports. Without knowing who is around them (and that has often drastically changed since the church was built), there is no real way for them to decide on future missional programming.”


Services Support Manager